Friday, October 8, 2010

Stress eating

The next week will really be a testament to my focus on health and fitness.  I have a lot going on - a fabulous friend's engagement party, two exams, finding a tenant to rent my condo, a sick grandparent, closing on my condo (refi), waiting to hear on a home purchase AND a half marathon the following Sunday (Oct. 17).  

Whenever I'm stressed or bored (or working from home), I tend to nibble...on anything and everything.  Apples, cake, cookies, chips, carrots, chicken - my mouth is like a garbage disposal!

How do I plan on coping?  I know I need to get in an early morning workout.  Doing so will put me in a clear frame of mind and also help me focus on the task(s) at hand.  Aside from being centered, I will know that any reckless eating will diminish my intense workout and stall results.  I also plan on using exercise as way to cope with stress - rather than reaching for the fridge, I'll reach for my sneakers, take the dog for a walk or go run errands.  I know that feeding my body, won't feed my soul and that is exactly what I'm looking for when I emotionally eat.

How do YOU cope with stress?

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