Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct. 6, 2010 - diet

Working from home today (specifically my bed), so I got a slower start than usual (the rain means me and Roxy don't get out of bed until at least 9am).

9:20am English muffin w butter and pb (320 cal)
11:40am medium iced coffee with cream from Honey Dew (100 cal) 
1:00pm egg whites w onions, mushrooms, tomatoes and ground turkey meat, 1/2c oatmeal w strawberries (300 cal) 
3:15pm PB on flat bread (300 cal
5:45pm protein shake w 3 strawberries (200 cal) 
8:45pm grilled chicken on salad with balsamic vinaigrette, 2 cups green beans, 1 strawberry (400 cal)

Total Calories: 1,620

Overall thoughts on the day: I took a gourmet dipped apple class tonight and it was SOO hard to resist taste testing not only the apple, but the dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sprinkles, coconut, Oreo cookies, etc.  BUT!  I did great and didn't succumb to all the delicious goodies around me.  I knew if I had some of the candies, I'd feel icky after and would really be down on myself...I thought about my emotions AFTER the eating and that is what prevented me from indulging.  I'm really fighting having that 'something sweet' and this is a big hurdle for me.  Instead of chocolate after dinner, I had one strawberry and it surprisingly satisfied my urge.

10 minutes interval cardio (I was not feeling cardio today!)
Chest, biceps


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can't believe you didn't try your apple but good for you!

  3. True, the big brother might have strength and power, but what’s the use if he can't get a hold of Mr. Skinny? skinny sprinkles
