Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nov. 11, 2010 - diet

8:20am oatmeal with blueberries, coffee (200 cal)
9:15am almonds (100 cal)
10:30am tortilla, strawberries (200 cal)
12:10pm  salad with baked chicken, scoop pb (400 cal)
2:00pm FAGE yogurt (130 cal)

Total calories: 1,030

I have noticed that every time I get these bouts of exhaustion, my face is puffy and I am ravenous.  My endocrinologist says it has to do with my thyroid hormones fluctuating which is why sometimes my antibodies are up, giving me classic hypothyroidism symptoms, or down giving me hyperthyroid symptoms.  Hashimoto's disease means that your antibodies attack your thyroid thinking it is something that doesn't belong in your body, so when they are high, my thyroid functions less - leaving me puffy, bloated, retaining fluid, exhausted, constipated and dry skin all over.  It's an awful cycle and the meds aren't working (I have to have blood work and visit every 6 weeks to find a dosage that works and to start, I'm on a very low dose).  I have blood work the week after next and I go to see her in Jan.  But I feel awful.  Last night, I was at Target and left abruptly, running home to my bed because I thought I was going to pass out.  I slept from 10 until 7 like a rock. I plan on showing this post to my Dr. to make a record of when/how I feel:

First experienced dizziness and heart palpitations, as well as dry skin and scalp, then came the puffiness and exhaustion.
Puffy, swollen eyes/face
Dry skin, scalp
Heart Palpitations

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