Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eggnog will be the death of me!

So let me tell you a little story..  In an attempt to make my morning a little easier I laid out my outfit for today last night.  I woke up this morning, showered, did my hair, and put on my predetermined outfit.. and what would you know???  I hate it!  It’s an outfit I’ve worn a million times before but this morning it made me feel uncomfortable and large.  I went in my closet and put on a pair of black pants and a sweater and again starting back in the mirror is a stuffed sausage.  Have you ever had one of those mornings where nothing you put on fits?

I don’t understand what happened!  Last week I was actually starting to fill thinner then wham today I can barely fit into any of my clothes.  I started to think about what I’ve been eating and then I realized.. all  the sweets I’ve been eating have clearly caught up with me.  Since the incident with my family I’ve had very little appetite, in fact all I want to eat it cookies , French fries, and egg nog.  I’ve been trying to stop that by eating almonds and cranberries for breakfast and a balance bar in the late afternoon.  I’ve never been a milk drinker but for some reason this year I cannot get enough egg nog.  Obviously I know that egg nog isn’t good for you but I didn’t think a glass a night was that bad.  I can now safely say that eating nothing but sweets and egg nog makes you fat! 

I can’t believe how tight all my clothes were this morning.  It really is true what my trainer says about how eating is the most crucial part of weight loss and maintaining your weight.  He always tells me that the workout is only 20% of it.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so funny you're addicted to egg nog! I'm addicted to everything, I don't discriminate ;)

    It could very well be you're just bloated. My weight legit fluctuates as much as five pounds (especially when I have my period). Just take a deep breath and keep truckin' along.
