Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last piece of pie!

So I decided to 'start fresh' today, Sept. 30, after a week of 1/2 healthy, 1/2 very unhealthy eating. I know that I feel a million times better in terms of overall wellness when I eat well - my skin looks better, I don't break out, my energy levels are high, I'm not constipated, I don't feel bloated, etc. I want to feel like that ALL the time and shed a few pounds/tone. I've decided to incorporate fruits/veggies/beans/meat and cut out processed foods (Fiber bars, special K crackers, etc.) wherever possible (but without being too crazy!) - as well as Diet Coke and any artificial sweetener (I use Agave Nectar in my coffee - it's delicious and you only need a little squeeze for a lot of sweet; 1tbsp = 60 cal). I can't give up coffee!

I also realize that a life of deprivation or starvation is not one I want to live. I also realize that it only sets me up for failure. Therefore, I will incorporate one cheat meal into my week (on a Sat. or Sun.) - something higher in calories/fat and a treat - a piece of pie, cookies, etc. This way, my metabolism will get a shock and I won't feel like I'm living on nothing. It also allows for me to be able to enjoy social events without saying 'no, thanks' to every item of food offered. I also sometimes (aka all the time) want something sweet after dinner, so I'll add a slice of candied/dried mango or papaya to satisfy my sweet tooth!

I'm trying to decide if I want to follow the P90X DVDs I have - they are awful, boring, and you feel like a fool hopping all around your living room. But, everyone swears they work. I'd also like to add one or two protein shakes a day - something immediately after my workout and a Casein protein shake before bed to keep a steady stream of food going to my muscles during the night.

HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training - i.e. stairmaster, 1 min. at 70 steps per minute, 30 secs at 160 steps per minute for 20 min.

Workout plan:

M - lite active AM cardio
T - HIIT AM; upper body/abs
Th - HIIT AM; lower body/abs
S - active rest (Cliff walk, park trail, etc.)
S - long run

I'd also like to incorporate a yoga DVD that I have - I totally lack in flexibility...and I can feel the stiffness in everything I do (running, walking, how fast I tighten up at my desk). Depending on when I have time to fit that in, I'll aim for 1x a week.

Food plan:

1,600 calories a day, eating every 2-3 hours, drink lots of water, goal of losing 1 lb per week

Ideal menu (will vary)
7:30 am - egg white omelet, veggies, English muffin w/ a pat of butter and jelly, coffee ~300cal
9:30 am - fruit & almonds -or- cottage cheese w/ fruit, -or- yogurt w/ nuts -or- protein shake ~100-150cal
Noon - protein and carb, like chicken and rice or a baked potato, veggie -or- grilled chicken on salad/roll ~400cal
2:30 - fruit & almonds -or- cottage cheese w/ fruit, -or- yogurt w/ nuts -or- protein shake ~100-150cal
4:30 - banana w/ PB ~100-150cal
6:30 - post-weight training protein shake ~100cal
7:30 - dinner (protein, carb, veggie) ~400cal
9:30 - Casein protein shake ~100cal

My downfall is at night - watching movies or just hanging around - I always want to snack on something...even when I'm not hungry. I need to start listening to my stomach and determine whether or not I'm truly hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Your post made me think of the book I'm reading, Naturally Thin by Bethenny Frankel. In it she talks about not being afraid to have what you are craving(ie something sweet after dinner). She says its okay to a cookie you just can't eat the whole box. If you don't eat something your body is craving then you will end up binging later.
