Thursday, September 30, 2010

How many calories do you need?

I used this simple calculator to determine how many calories I can realistically consume and also lose weight.

I determined that in order to lose some weight, but still have the energy to exercise, I should be consuming about 1,600 calories a day. I know that if I lower my calories, I will be a raging, hungry lunatic and my body will go into starvation mode by actually HOLDING on to the calories (crazy, huh?!).

1 comment:

  1. My gym posts fun facts everyday, here is one that go along with your post: Cutting calories and still not losing weight? All calories are not created equal. You can eat 2,000 calories that will fuel and energize your body, or 2,000 calories of fast food, chips, and soda, that won't do you much of anything.
